Contact Us!

Lakeland School Corporation is located in LaGrange County, Indiana, and consists of three schools:  Lakeland Primary School, Lakeland Intermediate School and Lakeland Jr/Sr High School. Located in the county seat, LaGrange, IN.  The contact information and link to the web page for each school and office is listed below: 

District Office:

0825 E 075 N

LaGrange, IN 46761

Phone: (260) 499 - 2400

Fax: (260) 463 - 4800

Superintendent: Dr. Traci Blaize (

Lakeland Intermediate School:

1055 E 075 N

LaGrange, IN 46761

Phone: (260) 499 - 2480

Fax: (260) 463 - 2648

Principal: Brad Jones (

Lakeland Primary School:

1 LeMaster Circle

LaGrange, IN 46761

Phone: (260) 499 - 2430

Fax: (260) 463 - 3730

Principal: Kim Kabrich (

Lakeland Jr/Sr High School:

0805 E 075 N

LaGrange, IN 46761

Phone: (260) 499 -2470

Fax: (260) 463 - 4058

Principal: Jason Schackow (

District Map

Corporation Map