Immediate enrollment, even when missing required documentation
Free meals and textbooks
Assistance with locating immunization records and birth certificates
Transportation to and from the school of origin
Referrals to community resources
FAFSA verification letters
Participation in before and after school programs
School uniforms & school supplies
Cap & gown for graduating seniors
McKinney-Vento Homelessness Information
McKinney-Vento Student Rights
Lakeland School Corporation District Liaison
Dr. Traci Blaize: Superintendent
Phone: 260-499-2400
Lakeland School Corporation District Plan
Indiana and Federal Resources Directory
Indiana Department of Education McKinney-Vento: Homeless Children & Youth Program
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Indiana 211 (IN211) provides comprehensive information & referral services to all Hoosiers. Dial 2-1-1 for information.
Indiana Department of Education State Coordinators
Charie Jones: Director of Student Pathways & Opportunities
Phone: 317-232-0958